Sunday 31 December 2023

New Year - New Dreams

What the new year 

Brings to you , will depend a 

Great deal, on what you bring

To the New year

This year do more of what 

Already working for me

To be the one who 

Is so busy improving yourself

That, you don't have time for 

Regrets, drama and 


Do not work more 

Than you live.

This year make a new resolution

To be yourself,

To make today worthy remembering 

Clear out the clutter. Less shopping 

Work out to stay healthy,

Not to be thinner.

To do random acts of kindness and service

Less couch , more workouts

Less talking, more listening

Less complaints, more smiles

Ignore any opinions that do not 

Enhance life.

To stay away from people who 

Drain your energy

To make time , not excuses 

Identify the essential, eliminate the rest

The less you own, the less owns you

Minimalism is not having less

It's about making room for more of

what matters

Simplicity is the ultimate


To make myself rich, by making 

My wants few.

Live in the moment

Start each day with gratitude

Laugh more

To create meaningful connections


Stick to your goals. Be generous 

Choose happiness 

Thank you 2023 for the learnings, memories, happines and blessings 

Let's embrack on a new chapter of life

Living behind , what no longer serves

Welcoming New year 2024 with greatful heart

And much gratitude 

New year, New dreams, New me
