Thursday 7 March 2024

Happy Relaxing

Recently I came across a beautiful short video, which just left me with questions in my mind. And later which made me sit back and think about the women in my life. My grandmother, my mom, my female friends, and myself too, or say the entire womanhood. Why is that not easy for women to just sit and relax? Growing up, I never knew a relaxed woman, not even in movies. I have always seen my grandmother in the kitchen doing household chores. And my mom was a working woman for years until my son was born. She is a supernova, always on her toes. Now I am following in the footsteps of my mom. I feel proud of myself for handling multiple tasks. Managing the house, taking care of my 10-year-old son, and following my passion dancing, and writing. But are we relaxed?

For years now I have seen my mom working tirelessly, even now in her late 60s. When she is working there is no room for tiredness or even a frown on her face. I believe aging has a wonderful beauty, and we should accept it gracefully. My mom is the heartbeat of the house, and without her, there is no heartthrob. But does this heartthrob get a relaxed day? Women since ages have been working tirelessly. Usually, women are shown with ten hands multitasking. I feel we should learn now where to stop, sit back and relax. At times women give themselves unconditional permission to relax. Practicing self-love is necessary not only for us but for the people who stay with us too. You don't need to be everything for everyone always. Be there with yourself, by yourself, and for yourself. Take time to do what makes your soul happy.

A mother's hands are always full when crusts need cutting, diapers need changing, crumbs need sweeping and cups need reaching. Errands need running, tears need drying, and hearts need mending. Her hands do it all. But most full of all is her heart. It is hard to love yourself if you never spend time with yourself. How you love yourself, is how you teach others to love you. Like art, women come in different colors, sizes, and forms. And like works of art, every woman is unique, and beautiful and should be appreciated. Love yourself enough to take the actions required for your happiness. Love yourself enough to cut yourself loose from the ties of the drama-filled past and people. Be faithful to that which exists within yourself. Make happiness a priority and be gentle with yourself in the process.

We have seen successful women? Yes. Productive women? Plenty. Afraid and apologetic women? heaps of them. But relaxed women? without apology? I am not sure I have ever met one. We women work so tirelessly at work and home all day, a reminder of self-care and self-love. Take a break, do nothing. Meet family and friends. Dance like no one's watching. There is no right age or time to enjoy simple joys like:- Feeling the rain, watching the sky, enjoying the wind. The best escape to the daily grind is 'Niksen". It is a Dutch lifestyle concept. Niksen means, "doing nothing". It involves indulging in simple activities, strolling in nature, and listening to music. This Dutch art of doing nothing isn't about laziness; it's about being mindful of the present moment and taking time to rest and recharge yourself.  Pamper yourself. Enjoy your leisure time without any guilt. Research has shown that slowing down not only reduces stress and anxiety but also enhances creativity and strengthens the immune system. To incorporate Niksen into your life, take away from devices and find a space where you can sit, think, or meander aimlessly. Embrace everyday moments, whether it's waiting in line or being stuck in traffic. Stop being perfect women all the time. There is a kind of beauty in imperfection too.    

Life isn't meant to be lived perfectly... But to be lived merely and create memories. Prioritizing your deepest creative work as a woman is a radical act of self-love. When you are calm, happy, and composed, your actions can create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, and do more. When you deeply love yourself it gives you courage and strength. Make so many shades of yourself that you can choose yourself every day. If you are tired, learn to rest but not to quit. "Life is tough my darling, but so you are". Fall in love with yourself, Mind-Body-Spirit. So don't forget to celebrate yourself. ''You have enough. You do enough. You are enough". Just Relax. "Happy relaxing".