Saturday 27 November 2021

My Logbook

Here is a simple yet most defining daily routine which I have started for a while now and found most effective. Journal writing. I felt it is an ideal environment, a perfect place to think, feel, discover, expand, remember and dream. writing is great medicine for me. And journal writing has become a ritual of transformation. It's not only life-changing but life-expanding too. For me documenting little details of my everyday life, becomes a celebration of who I am. In the journal, I do not just express myself more as a person. But I create myself. Journaling is a good way to take a setback and to reflect on ourselves. I feel the best way to predict the future is to create. Because the best project you will ever work on is YOU. Make happiness a priority and be gentle with yourself in the process. And right now I am enjoying the best of it. 

Journaling also plays a great role in enhancing a child's behaviour and thinking pattern. It reminds them of their goals and the learnings in life. Children need the freedom to share to explore in all possible ways. Writing a journal is to establish a healthy routine in kids especially during holidays. It allows the kid to direct their focus to what they need to accomplish. It's an introspective tool that helps children identify and learn to express their emotions better because the key to cultivating confidence lies in the ability to handle unpleasant emotions too. Writing a daily journal helps children to improve their reading, writing and overall communication skill by providing a safe place to express themselves freely.

Writing journal has weekly themes aimed at instilling qualities and character traits that help children grow up to be happy and successful. It also has planner features like - habit tracker, weekly and monthly goals. A child's favourite food and places to travel. The daily journal also allows the kid to write down their wishlist. Books to read. My gratitude tree, positive affirmations. It gives ideas to a kid on things to do whenever they feel low. Like - Listen to music, watch a funny movie, clean your room, talk to a friend, indulge in your favourite hobby, go out for a walk etc. 

Now I have introduced this amazing practice to my 7-year-old son too. I have bought him a beautiful daily journal book. Where my son writes a weekly and daily plan of all the activities that he wants to accomplish. Where he has divided his activities including - Things he is grateful for. The favourite activity he loves to do with his family, to rate his day by giving smiley. And how to make his day more meaningful or change something about the day he wants to. Habit and mood tracker - A new quality and hobby which he wants to follow in the coming week. Making a gratitude tree. Doodle corner.

Journal is nothing but learning beyond the curriculum. It enhances kids reading, writing and comprehension skills. It has become our favourite bedtime routine, where we discuss happenings and recollect the day's events and fill it out in the journal. We discuss thoughts and how we feel about different things. This also helps in sharpening their memory. We discuss spellings, we talk about the prompts asked in the journal and try to relate them to our life scenarios. And we are following it religiously and enjoy doing it. 

So if you have been considering getting your child into journaling, this is the best practice. This one simple habit comes with immense benefits. With no academic pressure, kids will enjoy the new writing routine and open up to parents beautifully. So what to wait for go and grab a beautiful journal book and gift it to your child. One of the best gifts you can give it to them. Early the age better is the results. 


  1. Wow Teju. You always do new things from which I can learn so much. I love journalling too, but had gotten lazy. Will start from January 2022. Keep up the nice work.

  2. Thank you dear. We both learn from each other 😍😎

  3. I remembered my school days when we use to write in a diary. Indeed a nice habit. U wrote it superbly dear. 🤗
